Why I believe in solopreneurship

Jan 4, 2025

The most liberating thing about being a solopreneur is that the only person you have to rely on is is yourself.

When working in teams, no matter what size they are - every person you add to a project adds a new layer of complexity. It's not just about the communication overhead – it's about the mental overhead of managing relationships, expectations, and dependencies.

The beauty of self-reliance

When you're solo, there's a beautiful simplicity to it all. You wake up, you know what needs to be done, and you do it.

You wake up, you know what needs to be done and you do it.

You don't have to wait for someone else to finish their task because it blocks your workflow.

You don't have to go to countless meetings to confirm that you're working on that one ticket.

There are exceptions where building a startup as a team works, but in most cases that's the reason why such companies ship products slowly.

The speed advantage

While a team of 15 people are on their N-th call discussing how to build this form or how they've progressed since yesterday, I can build this feature over coffee in a relaxed atmosphere.

You don't need a team to start building this startup. You don't even need to know everything about this programming language or framework, because there are dozens of AIs or Google Search that will do the job for you.

Understanding a little bit of everything and being able to apply those skills is what makes people go it alone and build great products.

So.. Just ship it

The tools available today make it possible for one person to do what required 10 people just a few years ago. No-code tools, APIs, AI – they're all multiply what you can do as a solopreneur.

Building something solo means being in complete control of it, and the only person you are accountable to is yourself. So, go build something today 🙂!